As a Christian, have you ever faced a situation that makes you doubt the faithfulness of God? Has a trouble, so overwhelmed your heart that when you look up, cry out and you wonder if there is a God that hears your cry? Have you gone through a wilderness and seem unable to find your way out? Has your vision ever been made blurry by the tears that has filled your eyes?
Friend, have you ever held on to the hand of God as if for your dear life. Paul said
2Co 1:8-10 For we would not, brethren, have you ignorant of our trouble which came to us in Asia, that we were pressed out of measure, above strength, insomuch that we despaired even of life: But we had the sentence of death in ourselves, that we should not trust in ourselves, but in God which raiseth the dead: Who delivered us from so great a death, and doth deliver: in whom we trust that he will yet deliver us;
Have you ever come to a place where you despaired for your life? This fellow has been through a few crisis(maybe mine is nothing compared to what you are going through) and you can read my Testimony Series to find out more.
What is your attitude in the midst of the crisis of life?
Do you give up or give in? Do you accuse God of being unfaithful and hence turn your back on him?
Too many Christians seem to want to serve God on their own terms. They seek to follow when it is convenient, sing only in the sunshine of life and whistle a merry tune when all is well but if the situation turns contrary, they begin to lament their lot in life,blaming God for every misfortune.
The three Hebrew Children in Daniel made a profound statement of faith. in Daniel 3:17 they said
If it be so, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and he will deliver us out of thine hand, O king.
Hallelujah!! Our God can deliver and he will deliver. No Matter the trouble you face, Rest assured that God can deliver and will deliver you from it!
The problem now comes in the second part of their statement, that part started with a but.
Dan 3:18 But if not, be it known unto thee, O king, that we will not serve thy gods, nor worship the golden image which thou hast set up.
this is where we find hard to accept, the first part of the statement was what we wanted to hear but, the 'but', seems to contradict their faith confession.
When the but is introduce is the point where we are tested if we truly have faith.
When the but is introduced, some Christians would advice that we apply wisdom at this point. No need to throw-away your life if a simple small act of bowing to idol was all is required to appease the wrath of the king. They would ask that these Children just bow their heads even if their hearts are not bowing. Don't be an extremist especially when several have bowed.
I am sure you know what I mean
Most believe that faith always leads us to what we consider as 'positive outcomes'. We fill our heads that nothing that can cause pain can come out of our faith and contrary to what the famous chapter of faith(Hebrews 11) says, we do not believe that a man can have faith and still die. We do not believe that a man can believe God for something and yet in his life time not see that which he believed God for. (You may choose to read the chapter again to confirm what I have said here).
The essence of this piece is to tell us that when we choose to remain faithful in the midst of a seemingly "unfaithful'" God, we show our faith in Him.
Job said though He slay me I will trust Him. I will maintain my ways before Him. Even with my dying breathe I will praise him, I will keep holding on to him, even when the situation isn't pleasant. It wont stop me coming to church or praying With the last once of my strength I will keep holding on and calling on Him, knowing fully well that God is a better option than the devil.
Friend Hold on to Him. He is too faithful to fail you but even if your expectations are not met trust that he knows the way in the midst of your wilderness.
God bless and keep you.