Ps 126:1
When the Lord turned again the captivity of Zion, we were like them that dream.
When the Lord turned again the captivity of Zion, we were like them that dream.
How valid any promise or statement is, depends to a great extent as to who said it.If my 5 year-old niece promises me a car, I would in order to humor her or to help her have more confidence in her own opinions, ask her what sort of car she wants to buy for me, but deep down in my heart I don't count such promises as valid. Even if I believed it, I would have to prepare myself for a long wait before it comes to pass.
The same may not be the case of a rather well-known billionaire makes the promise. Oh I would go all over town with that promise, pick out the color of the car and start thinking like a car owner(some of the people I will drive pass in my new ride, so they can taste the dust from the tyres
) but like every promise made by a man, He can fail. Oh how men have failed us. The disappointment we have faced in the hand of those we thought were the greatest source of our help!
In the passage above, the Almighty God is the one that is charged with the responsiblity of turning things around for good. The verse clearly says " When the LORD turned...". Oh! Praise God. Not when the angel turned, or a fellow man turns it, at best they can do to the best of their ability and no more.
Your case is not going to be handled by an angel, cause even Angels cant do certain things, think about the angel sent to deliver a message to Daniel(He had to admit he needed help) or angel Michael that was sent to collect the body of Moses that Peter talked about, the angel said may the Lord rebuke you Satan!
God has not assigned another to your case!! He is taking personal responsiblity for your matter. I can imagine God rolling up his sleve(figuratively) and saying this case is MINE!!!God is at work in your life! Satan, approach with caution.
Your God has an incredible resume and I would like you to know that.
He created light out of darkness(is your situation different from what you expect to see?)
He made a mother out of a 90 year old woman(Did I hear you say what of meno-what?!!)
He Lifted a Boy till he became a Prime Minister.
He Lifted a Boy till he became a Prime Minister.
He divided the rea sea and Men walked on dry ground in the midst of the sea.Shut the mouth of Lions, changed the temperature of the fire,
He walked on water, raised the decaying(not just dead), healed the sick, rose from the dead. Need I say more?
If His acts were an action film, then there is not a dull moment.Oh, what a WONDERFUL GOD we serve!!
Friends with a resume like that I know that, You can trust that yours will be no different.
Please note that He is not a man that he should lie, nor the son of man that can change his mind.
He is the Alpha and the Omega, He was here before the begining and will be here long after the end. He is the First and the Last, the resurrection and the life. The Lily that is in the midst of that valley. He is the bright and morning Star!, the light of His countence is brighter than the sun at noon(can you imagine a light brighter than the sun at noonday?). The Lion of the tribe of Judah, the lamb of God......
Oh I think you need to start dancing,praising Him and declaring that its over!!
Cause God is on my case! God at Work, Satan beware!!!
Remember its not over yet, God bless you.
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