copied from Remnant Christian Network
If man had been in the image of God, he would have had to eat of the
tree of life and the implication of eating of the tree of life is that
the Spirit of God would have tabernacle from henceforth in his spirit
providing a different line of consciousness; and the consciousness he
would have had is that he would have been a Being that is conscious of
the realm of God.
Notice: Jesus said if a man be born again, he will have the capacity to perceive the kingdom of God (John 3:3) – that means a new consciousness is born and the proof of life is consciousness.
So the Adam in the Garden of Eden is the Adam that was man in the image of man. God wanted him to choose which line of development he wanted in his existence – if he wanted the spirit life to develop or if he wanted his soulish human life to develop.
On the strength of his choice; he chose that his soul-life should be the line of development. That means his destiny and the result of such a choice is something different from what God originally intended. His destination, his endpoint was going to be different from what God intended. He was not that man that was consistent with the design of God. He became a different creature that does not have the capacity to fulfill God’s will and God’s purpose and could not by any means attain to God’s end. That was the day Adam declared independence meaning that with the faculties of the soul that has developed he can take decisions for himself. He can do what he wants; he is conscious of himself. This is the summary of what the old creation represents.
Meanwhile, if he were in the image of God, he would have been conscious of God; conscious of the ways of God. That consciousness was going to rule his entire being and pedestal him as a creature that can access the dimensions of God in the heavens and bring that template into manifestation upon the face of the earth. But since Adam chose a different form of consciousness he was going to live thereby from the soul which is a diminished state of existence compared to what God was offering us.
We shall continue from here next time. Remain in His grace.
Text: Genesis 2:7
“And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul” KJV
“And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul” KJV

We have
embraced and romanced religion for too long. Now let us find out the
original path that the apostles walked on. What could change a common
fisherman to become one that speaks about a kingdom that is not visible?
Some of us have done religious things before that were empty of God. We came out from grace and were living by laws. And all the insufficiencies of our humanity showed up again.
You will notice that as prophetic as the birth of Jesus Christ was, it had nothing to do directly with your redemption. His birth was prophetic but there is no direct connection of His birth with anything in your life. Where the connection began from is the death, burial and resurrection of Christ. That is the high point of His operation. It is on the basis of those three things that we are included with Him. So when the story of a Christian is told, his life and everything about him is back dated to the cross at the point of salvation.
So our point of inclusion with Christ is the cross because the cross is the point of substitution. And the reason why God had to include us (the believers) with Christ was because God’s estimation of the old creation was that the old creation could not serve the purpose of God. And everything that was of the old creation will have to be subjected to the death test. The old creation can neither be modified nor upgraded. Everything that is part of the old creation comes under the judgment of death because of the cross. THE CROSS ONLY SPEAKS DEATH AS ITS PRONOUNCEMENT OF JUDGEMENT ON THE OLD CREATION.
In case you are confused as to what the old creation is, let us go a-back and gain a little insight.
In the book of Genesis, man declared independence because God wanted man to be a creature that was created in the image of God. All other creatures were made after their own image. But the design pattern for man was that man was to be a being that will function after the image of another. So the creation of man is not accomplished according to God’s specification if the product that results is not a being that sustains the image of God. God’s idea for man is that man will be a being that function the way God functions because he thinks the way God thinks, he understands the principles of God, he functions the way of God. That is man’s calling. That is man’s ordination by destiny.
God Created Man (Gen. 1:27) - The aspect of man God created was immaterial. That part is his spirit.
God formed man (Genesis 2:7)- The aspect of man God formed is the physical part. For He formed man out of the dust of the ground and breathe into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living soul.
The implication of that statement is that man sustained consciousness in his soul. So the most conscious part of man was his soul.
Man according to Genesis chapter 2 became a living soul. So if he wants to make a decision, it is the awareness that comes from his soul that he uses as the basis of his evaluation and the basis of his decision making. For instance, when he wanted to make a choice of whether or not to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, in his consultation processes, he said that the tree was good for food, pleasant to the eyes and desirous to make one wise which were all analytical (Genesis 3:1-8). In order words, consciousness was in the soul. The soul became the strongest point of his consciousness. That being that has his consciousness in the soul was not man by God’s design.
Some of us have done religious things before that were empty of God. We came out from grace and were living by laws. And all the insufficiencies of our humanity showed up again.
You will notice that as prophetic as the birth of Jesus Christ was, it had nothing to do directly with your redemption. His birth was prophetic but there is no direct connection of His birth with anything in your life. Where the connection began from is the death, burial and resurrection of Christ. That is the high point of His operation. It is on the basis of those three things that we are included with Him. So when the story of a Christian is told, his life and everything about him is back dated to the cross at the point of salvation.
So our point of inclusion with Christ is the cross because the cross is the point of substitution. And the reason why God had to include us (the believers) with Christ was because God’s estimation of the old creation was that the old creation could not serve the purpose of God. And everything that was of the old creation will have to be subjected to the death test. The old creation can neither be modified nor upgraded. Everything that is part of the old creation comes under the judgment of death because of the cross. THE CROSS ONLY SPEAKS DEATH AS ITS PRONOUNCEMENT OF JUDGEMENT ON THE OLD CREATION.
In case you are confused as to what the old creation is, let us go a-back and gain a little insight.
In the book of Genesis, man declared independence because God wanted man to be a creature that was created in the image of God. All other creatures were made after their own image. But the design pattern for man was that man was to be a being that will function after the image of another. So the creation of man is not accomplished according to God’s specification if the product that results is not a being that sustains the image of God. God’s idea for man is that man will be a being that function the way God functions because he thinks the way God thinks, he understands the principles of God, he functions the way of God. That is man’s calling. That is man’s ordination by destiny.
God Created Man (Gen. 1:27) - The aspect of man God created was immaterial. That part is his spirit.
God formed man (Genesis 2:7)- The aspect of man God formed is the physical part. For He formed man out of the dust of the ground and breathe into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living soul.
The implication of that statement is that man sustained consciousness in his soul. So the most conscious part of man was his soul.
Man according to Genesis chapter 2 became a living soul. So if he wants to make a decision, it is the awareness that comes from his soul that he uses as the basis of his evaluation and the basis of his decision making. For instance, when he wanted to make a choice of whether or not to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, in his consultation processes, he said that the tree was good for food, pleasant to the eyes and desirous to make one wise which were all analytical (Genesis 3:1-8). In order words, consciousness was in the soul. The soul became the strongest point of his consciousness. That being that has his consciousness in the soul was not man by God’s design.
At that
point in the creation process, Adam was man in the image of man. So man
in the image of man has his strongest consciousness in his soul. What
the consciousness in the soul does is that it gives you a consciousness
of you.
Notice: Jesus said if a man be born again, he will have the capacity to perceive the kingdom of God (John 3:3) – that means a new consciousness is born and the proof of life is consciousness.
So the Adam in the Garden of Eden is the Adam that was man in the image of man. God wanted him to choose which line of development he wanted in his existence – if he wanted the spirit life to develop or if he wanted his soulish human life to develop.
On the strength of his choice; he chose that his soul-life should be the line of development. That means his destiny and the result of such a choice is something different from what God originally intended. His destination, his endpoint was going to be different from what God intended. He was not that man that was consistent with the design of God. He became a different creature that does not have the capacity to fulfill God’s will and God’s purpose and could not by any means attain to God’s end. That was the day Adam declared independence meaning that with the faculties of the soul that has developed he can take decisions for himself. He can do what he wants; he is conscious of himself. This is the summary of what the old creation represents.
Meanwhile, if he were in the image of God, he would have been conscious of God; conscious of the ways of God. That consciousness was going to rule his entire being and pedestal him as a creature that can access the dimensions of God in the heavens and bring that template into manifestation upon the face of the earth. But since Adam chose a different form of consciousness he was going to live thereby from the soul which is a diminished state of existence compared to what God was offering us.
We shall continue from here next time. Remain in His grace.
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