Sunday, 22 October 2023


 When John arrived Heaven in Rev. 4; the first sight he saw, were not the twenty-four thrones or thestreets of gold, or even the many angels in Heaven, No! He was confronted with a throne and the one that sits on it.

He saw other thrones as he panned away from the central throne. This was a very deliberate rendering of events.
When you consider it would have been easier to see the twenty-four thrones before focusing on the ONE then you will agree that scripture was very deliberate in recounting this event.
Therefore the implications of this rendering of events should not be wasted on the reader. I believe it was intentional, that God showed John this event in this order. Let's explore the implications
John seeing the central throne first, would be brought to the realization that there exists a Monarch in heaven and who rules the affairs of the heavens.
The implications for John and us, is that for him or us to advance in the affairs of heaven, he/we must recognize the Lordship of the one who sits on heaven's central throne where all true authority derives from!
Many call Him Lord, but do not bow to His Lordship. This act excludes them from participation in the affairs heaven. Making of them creatures that are limited to function only upon the earth.
Except we see where true Lordship comes from and respond accurately we become as mere men.

Thursday, 28 September 2023


Dear Atheist (or aspiring Atheist),

I know you are asking for a proof of the existence of God and only accept as fact, all things that are Scientific. You consider belief in God; as a baseless superstition for weak minds.
Please let me engage you on a few issues, I hope that you can take the time to consider all I have written.
The Explanation that is given by Science for the creation of the earth or our universe as we know it, is the Big Bang Theory! The theory in its simplest form states that a huge explosion occurred, and set in motion what has become our universe today.
One question that this theory has left unanswered is, Who or What set the explosion off? According to Science, we are not told of anything that set off such a huge explosion. It just happened and set in motion the events that became the creation of our universe!
The above, non-caused explosion does not to agree with the first law of thermodynamics which states that energy can neither be created or destroyed, but is converted from one form to the other.
In simple layman terms, you can not have a huge release of energy that has absolutely no source or cause. That energy must have existed in one form or the other before it was released or converted into another form.
With the Big Bang Theory, we are presented with an enormous amount of Energy that set everything in motion for the earth to come about without a cause or a known source. Scientists go on to offer this as fact, without questioning, WHO or What introduced this first creative burst of energy.
The argument of the design and the perfect conditioning of the earth to accommodate life, has not and can not be explained by science.
What makes the Earth habitable? It is the right distance from the Sun, it is protected from harmful solar radiation by its magnetic field, it is kept warm by an insulating atmosphere, and it has the right chemical ingredients for life, including water and carbon
We are told by science that if the conditions differed even slightly from what we have them to be, life on earth would not be sustainable. Surely it would take a betting man to think that all this came about by a stroke of luck and happenstance?
As complex a machine as our very being are, can we think we came about without a mind behind it? No complex being created us? No designer? A big bang, without ONE who set it off?
Science has told us to believe our universe with all laws that govern it, and the design that shows in every living came about without a Creator.
Just like a Book written without an intelligent mind behind it? The Alphabets just happened to fall into place to form the right words, which just happened to arrange themselves in the right order into sentences arrange in perfect logical order to form a best seller! That is what we are sold with the Big Bang, and we believe.
While these questions remain unanswered, we have the Evolution Theory thrust on us!
The interesting theory of how organisms advanced from micro-organisms to became the complex creatures we have come to know now. Even when there is no proven or verifiable documented evidence of this in our day or in days gone by of a change of species form one to another, we agree/belief this as fact, because, well, It is Science!
Science in its very own methodology, has an experimental approach, that seeks to test the idea being put out to be verifiable and reproducible.
Yet, we dare not and do not ask the various Scientists/biologist to produce just ONE proof of a change of Species that has occurred based on the theory of Evolution.
Again, we do not question Evolution because it is Science, even when they have no proof to show.
We dare not add to our contemplations, the acceptance of issues that we cannot prove via the scientific method of experimentation. Things like the mind, consciousness and emotions.
You accept and believe all this, but when it comes to the matter of God, you shout for proof.
You scoff at belief, but believe in the above theories that are not provable by science.
In the end, as Stuart Chase said “For those who believe, no proof is necessary. For those who don't believe, no proof is possible.”
The question I ask is, if I live my life, believing in the existence of God, and find that there is no God, what have I lost? Nothing.
However, if I live my life, believing that there is no God, and find at my death that there is indeed a God that calls me to account... What do I stand to lose? Everything, in my opinion.
Think on this.

WIDOW'S MITE :Sacrificial Giving not small giving

When we speak about the widow's mite, what exactly do we mean?
In most cases, when people say, "I want to give my widows mite" or "just accept this widow's mite", it is usually in their context, a small amount, or the little they can afford to give at that time.
While we do not condemn their giving no matter how much they give, their calling what the gave their widows mite might not entirely be correct.
In most cases, it is not the same as what the widow gave in scripture, from where the phrase was coined.
Let me explain, the widow's mite according to scripture was not just the amount cast in by the widow.
Yes, the amount was small but you need to understand, that in the context of that widow, that amount had an impact on her *livelihood!!*
Think about this for a moment.
When the widow gave, I suppose, she had to forfeit a meal or two because she gave to the Lord.
When the widow gave, I suppose, it might have meant she had to walk home instead of catching a bus home.
When the widow gave, I suppose, it reduced her ability to buy some of the things that were necessary for her living(not luxuries oh but things necessary for her very living!).
My point is there was sacrifice, that impacted her living, in the "small" amount she gave".
*The impact of her sacrificial giving made the little she gave of more value than the much the rich men gave put together*
So when next you used the phrase Widow's mite, be sure of what you mean.
Never belittle your giving, no matter how little, when it comes from a place of sacrifice.
Be sure that what you gave cost you something and not just that it is small by your estimation.
God bless you
All reactions:
Bright Ukwenga, Noah D Psalmist and 5 others

Friend or Foe!

Like most of us, I had always thought I understood clearly who a friend is, in terms of human relationships.

I mean, one who has your best interest at heart and cares for your wellbeing, right? It seems pretty straightforward and simple, right?
I have held this notion until I came across two scriptures that have challenged this understanding.
In one of the scriptures, Jesus had just called a dedicated disciple-Peter, who was very concerned for his welfare and preservation of His life - Satan!
Later, he called one other disciple who had just betrayed him to a company that would eventually crucify him, friend!
Yes, I know you might think he did not really mean to call Judas friend, but the more I have read about Jesus, I find that He is not given to flattery.
He was not shy to call out men for who they truly are. I mean He called Herod, Fox. Called the Pharisees hypocrites, blind, children of their father the devil etc.
Based on these two instances of Peter and Judas, my definition of a friend is anyone who aids you towards the fulfilment of God's purpose for your life in that instant.
He/She may say unpleasant things to you, rebuke you or may even offend you, but always stir you towards the fulfilment of your God given purpose.
A friend does not encourage you to disobey God, a foe does.
A friend does not advise you to accept compromise in other to avoid difficult situations that are contrary to your Christian convictions. A foe does.
A friend doesn't encourage you not to be too hard on yourself or to pamper your flesh and ego. A foe does.
A Foe will support you down a path that encourages selfish living. Simply put, If he/she encourages you away from God, stop calling him/her "friend".
Those relationships that drain you of your Christian conviction and passion, are NOT worth keeping!
A friend will encourage you down the path of godly living and pursuit of God's purpose for your life.
In the light of the above, are you keeping ungodly relationships with people and call them, Friends? They continually lead you away from the purpose of God for your life but yet you have labelled them friends.
Some people who we are in "ships" with, be it relationships or friendships, bring hardships/losses in the journey of life, ask those that travelled with Jonah. They incurred losses of their valuable cargo as they themselves carried Jonah away from his God given assignment.
Have you also lost something precious/valuable trying to keep that male or female friend?
Is your relationship with God suffering because of your relationship with a man or woman?
It is time to discern who you have been walking with, and identify them for who they are. Are they Friend or Foe ?