Thursday, 28 September 2023

WIDOW'S MITE :Sacrificial Giving not small giving

When we speak about the widow's mite, what exactly do we mean?
In most cases, when people say, "I want to give my widows mite" or "just accept this widow's mite", it is usually in their context, a small amount, or the little they can afford to give at that time.
While we do not condemn their giving no matter how much they give, their calling what the gave their widows mite might not entirely be correct.
In most cases, it is not the same as what the widow gave in scripture, from where the phrase was coined.
Let me explain, the widow's mite according to scripture was not just the amount cast in by the widow.
Yes, the amount was small but you need to understand, that in the context of that widow, that amount had an impact on her *livelihood!!*
Think about this for a moment.
When the widow gave, I suppose, she had to forfeit a meal or two because she gave to the Lord.
When the widow gave, I suppose, it might have meant she had to walk home instead of catching a bus home.
When the widow gave, I suppose, it reduced her ability to buy some of the things that were necessary for her living(not luxuries oh but things necessary for her very living!).
My point is there was sacrifice, that impacted her living, in the "small" amount she gave".
*The impact of her sacrificial giving made the little she gave of more value than the much the rich men gave put together*
So when next you used the phrase Widow's mite, be sure of what you mean.
Never belittle your giving, no matter how little, when it comes from a place of sacrifice.
Be sure that what you gave cost you something and not just that it is small by your estimation.
God bless you
All reactions:
Bright Ukwenga, Noah D Psalmist and 5 others

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