Thursday 28 February 2013

Dare To Begin Again

"And Noah began to be an husbandman, and he planted a vineyard: And he drank of the wine, and was drunken; and he was uncovered within his tent." (Genesis 9:20-21).

When we have been struck by a tragic event or have experienced a storm or set back in our lives, starting afresh could be a difficult task.

We wonder how we will build what has broken down, where we will find the strength to pick up the pieces of our lives and move on.

Some keep on recounting what has been lost and hold regrets for what failed to happen, so much so, that the strength to move on is spent on dealing with all the generated ill-feeling from the past experience.

Noah was an example of a man struck with tragedy. He lost his neighbours in the flood, he lost some of his personal belongings, he heard the cries of his neighbours calling out to him as they drowned in the flood, such voices must have echoed in his memory and haunted his dreams. could that be why Noah took to drinking? to suppress the voices and the memory of drowning neighbours and friends? Just asking but these are not the issue I seek for us to discuss today.

The point is that after his tragedy and loss of friends, neighbours property(whatever could not enter the ark), Noah began to be something! He started picking up the pieces of his life and building again. He took up the challenge and started a career. Despite his age he could start over!

Friend no matter the pain life throws at you its not enough an excuse to curl up and give up. Your life can begin again! You can still make something out of that experience.

Rise up and begin again. You were something before the tragedy and you can still become something after it. Don't give up on your dreams!

Dare to begin again.

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