Saturday 24 September 2011

A Surprising and Complete Reversal For God's people!!

When the Lord turned again the captivity of Zion, we were like them that dream.

Captivity of Zion? A very strange concept! I thought if any one is to pass through any form of captivity surely the people of God should be exempted. Think about it for a minute. You may have heard all those songs that say "me I no go suffer.." but here, It was not talking about the problems of unbelievers but of God's chosen people!

Why would God let his people pass through stuff like this? Things that will require him to intervene in order to sort out?

The only way I could wrap my head around these questions is to think of Job and here lies an answer for you. Are you ready for this?.... God is so proud of you that He just boasted about you! He knows you can get through this and He is there with you cheering you on to victory. Don't give up on God cause he has not given up on you!!

If you read the above scripture in the King James version of the bible as written above, you could be tempted to reach the conclusion(like I did) that the Lord needed to turn around the captivity of his people again.

It kind of leaves you with an impression that these guys keep getting into trouble,so much so, that they need to be rescued again and again. I would like to tell you that you would be correct to think of God as one that comes to our rescue again and again but that's not what happens here. I can honestly tell you in my life, that He has come through more than once for me(and am going to send a mail on some amazing testimonies of what God has done soon)

As correct as that way of thinking is, may I shock you by saying that this is not the case in the scripture above.

In the above it speaks of a people who where in a particular state of Honor or had some position or privilege that was taken from them. Here God restores them back.

Are you reading this mail and your thinking,"well, that sounds like me".
Someone may have made you lose something in your life, perhaps a promotion or a favor.
have you lost something in the cause of your walk with God?
Maybe a job, a child, a marriage or even your joy as a child of God.

May I tell you that God wants to restore you. He wants to turn it around. For Some of you, God has just started your turn around. He may have given you a new job but that not enough until you look back in surprise at what God has done. Yes, I mean that your new job will be better than the last one!

In the above verse the bible says "...we were like them that dream" O, Praise God!!

God did not just turn their captivity but they were so shocked they could not talk!! How do I know that you may ask. Please read the next verses of this Psalm. It took the comments of unbelievers around them to wake them up. People began to talk about them. The heathen said" the Lord has done great things for them" Ps. 126:2. They were not part of it but when God did it they recognized it could only be God!!

Friend, someone is about to comment on what God did in your life!! They will announce your breakthrough before you even have had time to respond.

Haven't you read about the man that was born blind in John 9? People kept arguing if he was the one or not? The Pharisees could not even believe the man when he confirmed his identity! They had to bring his Birth parents and ask if this was their son that they said was born blind!! (John 9:18-19)

Permit me to shout it in your ears as best I know how!!
The SAME people that called you useless will change their statement!!
The same ones who tagged you barren will change their confession!!
The very people who said you are finished will reconsider their words!
They will be forced to eat their words that spoke evil of you because your God will TURN it around!!

Friend note that you are not left out in God's surprise package. You will be just as amazed as the people around you.
Just when you thought there was no Hope, God will come with Hope.
Just when you concluded you will die in this issue, Your God will show up!!
Just...Just at the right time he is never late.

Prepare to be surprised and be a surprise to many.

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