Thursday 22 September 2011


Hi All,
I just thought of writing a short commentary of several verses of scripture that the Lord has used to encourage my  heart in times of distress.
In life, several friends may forget us or abandon us, if things turn sour for us. People we thought would stand by us no matter what, sometimes end up leaving us in the middle of the flood. Sometimes its no fault of theirs. For some they meant well and wanted to stick by you no matter what but he is only human after all. He forgets,travels,or is caught in so much work or some other reason.
In those times, don't be discouraged or bitter or promise to revenge when you get back on your feet, just turn to that friend that has promised to be with you even to the end of the Age. Oh what a promise!! Jesus is forever there for you.
You can trust him to the very end.
Let me not get ahead of myself here,(I almost was carried away with that very promise). Like I said I would like to write this so you can partake of the same encouragement I have been blessed with(but if you choose not to receive this, write me and I will delete you for my mail list, I almost fill like an advert company that has a mail list, hahaha).
I intend to write on a weekly basis, if I can(no promises there) but I would be glad if these write-ups help you in some way to hold firmly to the only one who is truly the most faithfull friend I have found, The Lord Jesus Christ. Be blessed as you read!  here goes..
Ps 126:1 says:
 When the Lord turned the captivity of Zion, we were like them that dream dreams.

Please note the first word in that verse of scripture, it starts with the word WHEN and not IF. This is so much of a blessing in the sense that if this verse had started with  the word IF, we would have had little or nothing to expect from the Lord.
Cause we would end up thinking if it is Gods will or not? If he will turn the captivity or not? The word 'if' leaves room for doubt or probability but bless God the word of God declares with all certainty that its not IF but WHEN!! Oh Praise God!!
When the Lord turns the captivity... this means that there will come a time that God will do it. Brethren, you can quote God, with all assurance in your heart this situation is not going to take you out! You are not going to end up being known or called by this problem!
The word of God assures us that a WHEN is coming.
People  might have concluded you were barren but When....
they said you will end up lonely and unmarried but when
they may be calling you jobless but when...
They might have started using you as an example of a failure already, but the when of God is coming.Those that loved to see your harm and fall will not rejoice for long cause there is a when.
That's why the David could say with all assurance 'Rejoice not over me my enemies, cause when I fall, I shall yet rise again'.
Its not over friend!!  There is a When coming.
Hold on to God. He will turn it around, Don't give up on Him !
Don't get discouraged.
The dawn of every new day,signifies that the day of your rejoicing is drawing closer. so instead of facing a new day sad, look up and thank God that you are getting closer to your day of complete and unstoppable Joy.
Hold on, your when will come.
God Bless you.
This is the first in a series like I said, so expect to hear from me soon. 
Also feel free to forward to as many people as you want, I give up my copy rights on this lol
 take care and keep smiling

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