Thursday 21 March 2013

My Testimony part 1- A Proud Beginning

Friends in these posts I have shared with you messages that affected my life in a great way. 

Some I still struggle to have them formed in my life but in the coming days i hope to share with you the journey,I believe, that started this all. I hope to tell it as a story and capture as much details as possible.

I hope that this testimony series would help you believe that God remains faithful even through our storms and trials.  

Our story ends only when we appear in eternity bearing his nature.

So keep changing!

Here Goes My Story.....

I had just made a career move that seemed to have all the makings of a great future ahead. 

I resigned my position as a Relationship manager in a bank, with all the attendant stress of meeting targets, marketing etc and had got a job as an Operations Manager with another bank. While I know that some people love the challenge that the marketing job poses, I seemed to have run out of zeal for it; considering the constant threat that hung over our heads as we did our job. It was an unending circle of which the finish line always was extended beyond our reach it seemed. You meet one target only to have new ones assigned.

Anyway the Operations job suited me better, I even did not mind the fact it was in the Northern part of Nigeria, where there was the likelihood of religious crisis springing up and all.

So Having completed my training, I was sent to Head Operations of a Branch of my new Bank in Yola, Adamawa State(North-Eastern Part of Nigeria). This was a great opportunity and the pay package was better, Also upon confirmation of my appointment, i was to be promoted and paid a huge bonus. I had a car given me by the bank and I was in charge of all the operations in the branch. Just below the Branch Manager in the scheme of things. I had staff reporting to me and my work was quite interesting. I thoroughly enjoyed the challenge. At last I had a Job I truly enjoyed and I was being paid well for doing it.

At my new Job, I was in charge of managing people and in some ways I felt I was good at my job and was soon proud about it. I have a skill for providing solutions when I noticed problems, worked well under pressure, learnt new things and taught my subordinates. To all i seemed invincible and I knew i was good at what I did.

My Archilles heel however was My pride!

May I interrupt this narrative to offer an advice.

Pride I have discovered or learnt by experience, can bring down a man from any height he may have attended in Life.  Do not have an inappropriate opinion about yourself or your abilities. I don't advocate you have a low self esteem but I ask that you will be humble enough to acknowledge that God brought you to where you are in life and treat others with the respect they deserve. Be thankful to God for everything and don't snub others because of your position, power or possession in this life.

Going on. I had made it, I thought. I was in a position that I could exert influence and I soon lost my perspective on things, I was impatient with others when they didn't seem to understand or carry out my instructions, I was a perfectionist and a taskmaster of the worst kind. I soon became arrogant and constantly put down my colleagues when i pointed out their mistakes. 

I seemed to have forgotten what it meant to be in their shoes

To be continued.......

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