Friday 12 September 2014


1Ti 1:15  This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners; of whom I am chief.

Gal 2:20  so that it is no longer I who live, but it is Christ who lives in me. This life that I live now, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave his life for me.
Our sins no matter how few or many they may be, have condemned us to face an eternity separate from God. 
I spoke to  someone who said to me, that he was essentially a good person(and to be honest he is) and felt it would be unjust for God to condemn him to the same hell that 'other' worse sinners are headed to, since his sins where fewer and less grievous.
I said to him that if a man obeyed all the laws of a land and broke just one, would the state let him off the hook for that one misdeed? To this he said that of-course he could get a light sentence or the court would be merciful as he was a first offender.  I then asked him, what if his first offence was a coup against the government? and that he actual wanted to overthrow the government, would that not be a very grievous crime? Would he get a suspended sentence then?
The greatest sin that we are all guilty of is the same for each of us if we ignore the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross. 

That sin is the rejection of the Lordship of Jesus and the looking to other things than him to cleanse our sins. This rejection of God's authority and Lordship is the same as rebellion that Satan had towards God. If Satan's rebellion then condemned him to hell, why do we think that rejecting the authority of Jesus in our lives would result in a different outcome.

Jesus came to save sinners, that is true but also he came to draw a people to himself. 

He is our Savior who saves us from sin, the world and the devil but also he longs to be the Lord our lives.

You may read this and you have repeated a few words to accept him and you may feel secure in this knowledge but is He the Lord of your life? Does he determine where you go? what you do? How you live? 

The time has come for us to move beyond being saved and delivered to submitting our lives to Him to control/lead us. Yes, Jesus saves us from all sins but are we also willing to give up our all for him as He did for us?

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