Tuesday 23 September 2014


Mark 1:11:  A voice from heaven said, "You are my own dear Son, and I am pleased with you." 

I know that Jesus said that the comment above was made for the benefit of those around Him at that time but imagine what hearing the approval of His Father would have meant for Him.

I heard a great man of God,who grew up with his grandmother,talk about how she believed the best of him. That strong belief  was expressed to him by her positive confessions and approval towards him. This helped shape his life and give him a strong self belief.

So I want to write on the Power of giving Positive feed back to our kids. 

In the scripture above, God risked it all by speaking directly from heaven about a son of whom he was well pleased. Notice He didn't send an angel or a prophet to talk about his son, so don't just bribe your kid with gifts that replace your approval of them. God tore up the heavens and shouted out his approval of Jesus even before he fulfilled what God had destined for him. Now that was a risk cause if Jesus failed, God would have expressed an approval for him already.

Some of us(and I admit I am one of them) are waiting for our children to be almost everything we expect them to be before we show our approval of them. We place huge demands on them to perform that we forget to praise the efforts they make to achieve these expectations. God did not! Long before Jesus died to fulfill God's will and purposes, God tore up heaven and shouted his approval for his son! That's quite radical!

 How much do we express our approval of our children. Some times it could mean our attending their school sports games and shouting out our lungs in support for them or just telling them how much we love them. I think the approval of a parent is the most important praise a kid can have.

Some times we get so caught up in all that they have done wrong but never acknowledge what they have done right! 

I think the time has come for us to continually tell our children that we appreciate the little efforts they make to obey and honor us.

Tell them how much you love them. Thank them for obeying us or doing what we asked them to do. 

You can teach your kids to say thank you, please and sorry but if you never use those words towards them they may not learn that you can say sorry when you are in a place of authority or older.

Lets not spend the whole of our time pointing out all they have done wrong. 

You cant find a better father than God yet He tore the heavens to tell His son how pleased He was with Him. 

Would you dare to follow God's lead? and tell that kid how much you love them today or how pleased you are with them?

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